Personal Info

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Tim Sippel





Ph.D. - Marine Ecology; University of Auckland (New Zealand)

MSc. - Marine Ecology; Massey University (New Zealand)

B.S. - Biology; Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS)


Stantec : Senior Environmental Scientist - Marine Biological and Fishery Resources

Provide biological and regulatory expertise on environmental and infrastructure projects. Contribute to business development through securing consulting contracts.

Worley Consulting : Senior Environmental Scientist - Marine Biological and Fishery Resources

Provide biological and regulatory expertise on environmental and infrastructure projects. Contribute to business development through securing consulting contracts.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife : Fishery analyst and technical advisor - Columbia River salmon technical lead

Monitor and forecast salmon population abundance for fishery compliance with the Endangered Species Act and US vs Oregon Management Agreement

Ocean Associates : Research Fishery Biologist - Stock assessment scientist and policy analyst

Conduct fishery stock assessments as a member of international and domestic scientific working groups. Serve as NMFS representative on Highly Migratory Species Management Team which advised the Pacific Fishery Management Council on fishery management and policy

University of Hawaii : Research scientist - Postdoctoral researcher

Develop models to estimate behavior of fish carrying satellite transmitters, and contribute to development and deployment of databases to manage satellite tagging data.

Prior employment includes marine science consulting, technician roles, and summer internships.



R programming - Developing multivariate, time-series, and geostatistical models and using technical tools such as Quarto and Shiny to display and explore results.

Professional Service

